WHOLE EARTH TV News 2007-2008

Wisdom and knowledge to be shared to inspire so(u)lutions for a balanced world.

~ Remember your true nature! ~

Index: Global Oneness and Time of the 6th Sun |
2008: December: Light & Inspiration | November: 11:11 | October: Change | September: Sufism | August: Egoism | July: Shamans | June: new energies | May: Wesak moon | April: Tibet | March: MMS, New Earth, Codex A. | February: story of stuff | January: 13 Grandmothers speak |
2007: Cradle2Cradle | Planet Ocean | Health & Energy| DVD's, movies & books, | Prof. Yunus | Events | Magazines |

In gratitude to all wisdom keepers!

Global Oneness Project.
Look and listen to these wonderful wise people of the world and their wisdom for Global Oneness. The most beautiful website items and exemplary of/for our own Whole Earth TV broadcasting programs in the future, as we did before with Venus TV. Beautiful items from the Global Oneness Projects http://www.globalonenessproject.org/


TIME of the SIXTH SUN ~ A Journey of Awakening ~
When the eagle flies with the condor

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December News

Playful dolphins. Let us keep it this way and take more care of our nature and oceans. If we read the book of diver & photographer Dos Winkel our Oceans are in serious danger through pollution but also because we are catching too much fish. If we continue this way the seas will be devoid of fish in 15 years time. Read his latest book "Red de Zee" (Save the Ocean) not yet in English, but also look at his beautiful website "vanishing worlds", meaning cultures, nature and the underwater worlds. Save the Ocean .

Now that we are on the threshold of a new year, the old year ending with the 8 meaning "Infinity and the Civil Laws abiding to the Universal Laws". In 2008 we have seen a huge movement of people rising up and becoming aware demanding more alignment of our civil laws with cosmic principles. As we are entering the 9 of "New Science" in 2009, are we up to our task of being and becoming a more responsible person for ourselves and our planet?!
Will we allow the new energy solutions to come forward to play their healing role.

Some inspiring books for starters in this field are:
* Science and the Akashic field; an integral theory of everything by Ervin Laszlo.
An article about the Perspective of Mind by this philosopher and professor on the website of Consciousness In The Cosmos.
In our personal field a path of transformation:
* Alchemy. The art of transformation by Jay Ramsay
Another path of Beauty and Transformation is the Sufi Path beautifully translated by * Kabir Helminsky in his book The knowing Heart.

To understand what kind of impact radiation of dect telephones/mobiles, microwave, wifi etc have on our health, read this important book of Karel and Caroline van Huffelen (only in dutch).
Onzichtbare risico’s in het Draadloze Tijdperk!
More info on these subjects see these links: http://www.karelencaroline.nl/

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November News

11:11 ~ November ~ Scorpio ~ Transformation ~ Gateway to the 5th Dimension

Now that we have made our first steps into the real HU-MANE culture with leaders of the former "minority cultures" as Presidents of a country, we can become our true Being of the Light and re-member who we are Lights of the Great Spirit.
We hope President Obama will have the power to act on what the people who elected him wish for: a true democracy, an honest monetary system, freedom in health, natural agriculture, sound foreign politics based on abundance instead of fear of lack/shortage (food, oil, energy etc). Barack Obama about his religious (spirtual) beliefs on Want To Know site.

Yet, many more of us have to become conscious of and aligned to our Soul.

We have to face our reality and ignorance about our world if we want to have a decisive impact on the wellbeing of our planet and its inhabitants.
~ See Amy Goodman on Democracy Now: http://www.democracynow.org/
~ Naomi Klein in Rolling Stones The Wallstreet bailout
~ Find out of the amazing world of bankers and the FEDs owned by the greatest family-bankers. Then you will wonder do we have a democracy or is this the world of corporatism.

End the FED demonstrations were held this weekend allover America. With Natural Solutions at End the FED demonstration in New York and with Ron Paul in Huston.

~ Keep in touch with the latest news at the Want To Know website. Or go the new translated in Dutch Want To Know website.

From restore the Republic website we received the next great press release:
People of Lakota Launch Private Bank for Only Silver and Gold Currencies
Hill City, Lakota - November 24, 2008 - In a stunning development, the Free & Independent People of Lakota announced today the introduction of the world's first non-reserve, non-fractional bank that accepts only silver and gold currencies for deposit.
"Today is a great day for us, a day that we begin to exercise our rights as a sovereign people with strength and pride," comments Canupa Gluha Mani, Tetuwan Council Judicial Member of the Cante Tenza "Strong Heart" Warrior Society. Mani's 2500 member warrior society has contracted to provide private security services for the Free Lakota Bank.
For more information, visit the Free Lakota Bank

Inspiration book of the month:

Read the book of Prof. Bernard Lietaer "The Future of money, beyond greed and scarcity". Excerpt of the book The Future of Money. and more about him on the website Transaction Net

The Future of Money:
Creating New Wealth, Work, and a Wiser World

by Bernard Lietaer

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October News

Black monday? World crisis? Crisis is an opportunity to change and really see what is going on and there are many perspectives and points of view depending on the stage you are at in respect to materialism and your spiritual evolution. What is money and who are the moneymakers and bankers, maybe we can finally come to create a just economy. As Buckminster Fuller said "If all the money in the world would be equally divided every person would have 1 million dollar." There is abundance, free energy, cures for diseases.. take this opportunity to inform yourself. Be a responsible person meaning be able to respond, know your world, take up your abilities, live your vision.

Is America turning into fascism? Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul's interview with Meet the Press:

Naomi Wolf with Give me Liberty:

The world could have been a complete different one. See the story of Nicola Tesla.

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September News

As soon as we open ourselves to the real messages of all the prophets we understand that we all are one.
We are the drop and the ocean alike.
In Sufism we find the heart messages of Islam. The most famous Sufi teacher who came to the west in the 1920's was Pir O'Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan. A contemporary Sufi master is Sjeich Khaled Bentounes, in his book Le Soufisme, Coeur de l'Islam he writes about the essence of Islam, the process of transformation inside ourselves in order to reach our Inner Light, the purpose of Humankind.

Ahmed Baki writes: "Deep spiritual understanding of Islam under the light of Sufism and Modern Sciences." On his website he actually writes how science is understanding more and more the spiritual principles of life through Sufism and Quantum Physics. www.www.Ahmedbaki.com/

©2008 D.Chömpff/beekje ©2008 D.Chömpff/tree ©2008 D.Chömpff/paddestoel ©2008 D.Chömpff/lucht

Equinox September 22, 2008

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August News
Poster: His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama speaks on "Compassion and non violence"
Tenth Dharma Celebration
Tushita Mahayana Meditation Centre New Delhi, 6th February 1994

©2008 D.Chömpff/Dalai Lama ©2008 D.Chömpff/egoism ©2008 D.Chömpff/Tara

~ Egoism:

Here also I want to say that quite often people get the wrong impression that egoistic feeling is negative, that there should be no ego. I think there are two types of ego as well as two types of desire . There are two types of feeling of I. One feeling of strong I that forgets about other's rights and in which you consider yourself more important than others is wrong. But at the same time there's another type of egoism that says, "I can do this, I can help, I can serve". That kind of egoism is positive.
The Bodhisattvas, I think, have an extraordinarily strong ego. There is huge egoism there.
That ego develops such tremendous determination. For them days, months, years are nothing. they count aeons. Not one aeon, two aeons but millions, countless aeons. Such an unthinkably long time never discourages them, nor the infinite countless sentient beings whose numbers are limitless. Their determination is to do something for an infinite number of sentient beings for an infinite period. Unshakable determination. Unless there is strong solid ego, such a determination is impossible to develop. That is positive ego. It is necessary, it is useful and constructive. We must develop that.
The other is the foolish egoism which disregard other's rights, just forgets others and worst of all wants to get something good for oneself and to exploit other's rights. Now with that kind of egoism ultimately you will lose, you will suffer. Therefore that kind of egoism is foolish egoism. That is negative. ~

Above text to understand more fully the people who took on the Bodhichitta vow.

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©2008 D.Chömpff/Kali
Deity Kali (Nataraj) dancing and transforming the lower ego into soulwisdom.

©2009 D.Chömpff/medicijnwiel
The Sacred Medicine Wheel from the people of the Turtle Island.

July news:
Shamans on dreaming your life awake, shadeshifting and co-create a better world, Lynn Andrews interviews Alberto Villoldo and John Perkins. www.healthylife.net/radioShow/

Some other Wisdom Keepers:
~ Raven met Grandmother Oh Shinah Fastwolf in 1987 at the Convergence ritual and workshop in Spiritual Centre the Kosmos Amsterdam. See her speak at the The wisdom keepers of the world website and at the Moon Fire Meeting House
~ Meet and read the amazing story of Denise Whitefeather Linn how she was shot, left for dead on the street, yet survived; and how she became a spiritual teacher. She has her own radio-show at Hay House and you can follow her Soul Coaching through internet.
~ Lujan Matus successor of Don Juan Matus on his website on parallel perception.
~ Grandfather Hyemeyohsts Storm (who gave Raven her name during his Earth Event in Holland in '98) interviewed at Healthy Net.
Famous of his books Seven Arrows, Lightningbolt and the story of Grandmother and Zero Chief Estcheemah in Song of Heyoehkah.
~ Other beautiful books of the flowery nagual world is writer Martin Prechtel see his website www.floweringmountain.com/
~ Medicine Wheel explained by a young Lakota Medicine Man and doctor Don Warne:

Raven received spiritual and shamanic guidance, initiations and trainings since 1978 of which some are on this website of CultureLife www.culturelife.de
Read the amazing stories of the African wisdom keepers who were either stolen by missionaries as they were 4 years old or brought up by them and yet found back their African Spirit. Credo Mutwa shared his experiences in "Song of the stars" and Malidoma Patrice Some in his book "Of Water and the Spirit" and the "Healing wisdom of Africa" and Sobunfu Some.

©2008 D.Chömpff/Tara
Deity Tara/ KwanYin giving her elixir of life
to the world.

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June news:

More news on WATER as Fuell see the info and video on the page of //watercell.info

Physicist, system theorist & author (a.o. Tao of Physics) Fritjof Capra and Paul Hawken (a.o. Natural Capitalism) on FOOD:

Another step to a better solution. This could be your next car the Loremo L1 made in Germany (1,9 liter for 100 km).
More about this car see www.evuk.co.uk

Dutch solutions: Nooit meer olie verversen plus besparing met GreenTec Oils winnaars van 2008 van de Senter Novem MKB Innovatie prijs zie www.new-energy.tv/ en hun eigen website www.greentec.nl/.

This creates cleaner air and makes the world greener. Imagine clean cars, airplanes, boats etc etc. This is a step in the right direction.
There are better solutions for energy then windmills on the way. Did you know that windmills create a vibratory disturbance in the earth with a diameter of 2 km, on top of polluted sight & sound!!!

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May News
May full moon over Amsterdam. The most important energy outpouring of the year (see Wesak Festival).

©2008 D.Chömpff/volmaan

©2008 D.Chömpff/spectrum ©2008 D.Chömpff/golfslag ©2008 D.Chömpff/zononder

©2008 D.Chömpff/zwaantje ©2008 D.Chömpff/roos ©2008 D.Chömpff/varenknop

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April news:
Ofcourse TIBET is very much in the news, finally, now that China is the host of the Olympic Games. If the O-games will really be used as an exchange in communication through sport and not only economically and politicly, which it has been until now, it will make a difference. So do go to China and make a change. 4Free China (e.g. the Falung Gong emprisoners), Free Tibet, Free USA, Free Europe, Free Russia, Free Africa, etc etc. and Free Ourselves. Until we no more need prisons when we share our love, food, air, water, energy and we understand it is just fear, greed and need. Thanks to the wisdom and knowledge of spiritual people of Tibet, China, Russia, Africa, Asia, Australia, New-Zealand, the America's we are more and more reaching a new spirital planet Earth.

Sunday April 20 TIBET-Day in Amsterdam (NDSM-werf) with Tashi Norbu, Loten and Bluf and many other Dutch bands supporting this event. In the Tibetan village Zama Jigme Namgyal with a lecture about Dzogchen 16.30-19.30 hrs. Info see www.ticketfortibet.com/
For this occasion the DVD "The Healing Power of Sound and Nature" on the sounds of the 5 elements by Raven Dreamdancer with a.o. the singing bowls will be available in the Tibet-shop at the Tibet Village. A Tibetan Day will also be held in the Hague on May 4 more info at www.tibetwinkel.nl where Raven will be giving a concert on The 5 Elements with a.o. the singing bowls, gong, drums. On Raven & vibrations

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche visits Amsterdam: April 25 lecture and seminar 26 + 27 about The 5 elements, the healing power of these elements in the Bön-Buddhistic tradition of Tibet. Venus TV interviewed him on the Dreamyoga Teachings in 2000 (no. 75). His website: The Ligmincha Institute


Inspirations from the Satyana Institute page on Spiritual Activism the13 Principles and other great stuff on Educate yourself.and interesting energetic health information on this Dutch website Sanjeevini page.


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March 2008 news:

Eckhart Tolle together with Oprah Winfrey started every Monday a worldwide internettraining using his book A NEW EARTH as a guidance tool. Deep teachings simply put, you will recognize these in the Buddhist teachings, TAO, the Medicine Wheel, Jezus (Esseen), the real Shamanic initiations worlwide... Understand your painbody and awaken to your life purpose. Are you ready to be awakened! http://www.oprah.com/


Look at this FANTASTIC!! Quantum Leap Solution for all kind of dis-ease from the world of minerals.

Become healthy and stay healthy with this Miracle Mineral called MMS: http://www.miraclemineral.org/
Information about these minerals in Holland http://www.nulpuntenergie.net/gezondheid/MMS.htm
Zondag a.s. 9 maart in Zaandam is een bijeenkomst over o.a. de Miracle Minerals, bekijk hun homepage bij activiteiten: http://www.nulpuntenergie.net/index.htm


To all lovers of health, freedom and true democracy:
All out massive awareness and action needed!


This codex is a crime against humanity!
Herbs, Vitamins and Minerals will become illegal on December 31, 2009 because of the Codex Alimentarius unless....
Go to this website, get informed and create awareness!!!!

Fors protest tegen dit misdadige plan (de zogenaamde Codex Alimentarius die is overgewaaid vanuit de VS naar Europa) is meer dan noodzakelijk. Surf naar: http://www.willenwijweten.nl/voeding.htm

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February 2008 news.

~~ You don't want to miss this, see:

The story of stuff with Annie Leonard from Free Range Studios.

A humerous and simple explanation of our nowadays life and a call to create a more sustainable and just world.
~~ see & share this clip with your friends, wave consciousness ~~


February 29, We gave a Quantum4Experience in Venlo/Tegelen regarding the Cradle to Cradle approach for Venlo, Limburg and the Netherlands. Preceded by a lecture about the Quantum fields by Anthropologist Anke van Ziel, followed by an introduction to the holistic cosmology of the shamans the Sacred Medicine Wheel by Raven Dreamdancer and ended by an experience of the Quantum Fields through the Sounds of the 5 Elements.
The feedback we received of the evening : it was inspiring, open and honest.

Inspiration book of the month: Amit Goswami ~ The Visionary Window - A Quantum Physicist's Guide to Enlightment

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~ For the next 7 generations ~

More info on: www.grandmotherscouncil.com/

"The seed of my compassion comes from or learned from my mother; so therefore mother is the real teacher of the value of compassion. In order to develop a compassionate society mothers'role is very very crusial. I think in various fields of human activities like economy, politics in every field I think women should take more role." The Dalai Lama.

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News September, October, November 2007 spot on:
The Next Industrial Revolution and the Cradle2Cradle approach
The Birth of the Sustainable Economy by William McDonough & Michael Braungart.
The DVD: The Next Industrial Revolution tells the story of the movement led by architect Bill McDonouch and chemist Michael Braungart to bring together ecology and human design.
Shot in Europe and the United States, the film explores how businesses are transforming themselves to work with nature and yet enhance profitability.
Book: Cradle to Cradle (C2C). Now also available in Dutch.
Remaking the way we make things

Cradle to Cradle(C2C) activities in the Netherlands:
~ Braungart at the World Waste Congress ISWA/NVRD in Rai-Amsterdam, September 24
Our own compilation and interviews of this congress will be available in due time.

~ "Start Buildin'Green" Congress Venlo October 3 with McDonough.
This first kick-off of the visionary Cradle to Cradle concept embraced by Venlo started a wildfire throughout Limburg, Holland, Belgium & Germany.
Commitments on this congress were made to bring the Cradle to Cradle Vision into reality.
Our own compilation of this congress will be available in due time.
~ Venlo Floriade 2012
~ Q4 project Venlo Art & Culture;
~ Eerste aflevering over Cradle to Cradle van VPRO: Tegenlicht.
~ November 26 the latest Cradle2Cradle VPRO documentary will be broadcasted on Dutch national tv.
~ Business people in Maastricht got excited as well and followed with the first "Let's cradle" congress, November 1&2.

Search for more links with: Cradle to Cradle.

PLANET OCEAN by Dos Winkel at the STOPERA AMSTERDAM Waterlooplein: 30/9 t/m 30/11/07
De grootste tentoonstelling van onderwaterfotografie ooit.
To know your planet, you have to see and listen to his knowledge of this beautiful ocean life which is about to disappear if we let it.
Planet Earth with the eyes of Dos Winkel

Awareness and warnings for vanishing worlds: Planet Ocean Events

~~~To live = to know = to see = to hear = to act. Know your planet!~~~

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Sharing = caring!

Make a start, make a move, wave action ~~~~~~ wave a positive vibe!

Health & Energy
Latest news on Health issues look @:
  • Latest news on health items by Mike Adams.http://www.NaturalNews.com
  • Latest info from Dr. Mercola:http://www.mercola.com/

    ~~~To know your reality = to know your world!~~~

    Stretch-your-mind yoga: do you know 75 years ago people already drove in cars on tapwater; everlighting lamps existed; free energy available; cures for all kind of diseases exists; polluted soil could be cleaned in 3 months...

    Water Power & Free energy
    Finally several cars driving on tapwater and/or sun can be seen at YouTube:

  • WaterPower, WaterFuel, cars on water see: WaterPower
  • and another Car on tapwater since 1968 by Daniel Dingel.
  • Waterpower via Zero point energy: Water Power  and more about water fuel cell: Water fuel cell

  • You can make your own car running on whatever see websites on Tesla or Pantone technologies.
    And another revolutionary device that creates energy from virtually nothing, see: Miracle tube

    Raja Yoga (action yoga): Pray for the release of Paul Pantone (an American hero) and take action see: http://www.geetfriends.net/
    Paul Pantone is the developer of GEET (Global Environmental Energy Technology). GEET is a clean energy saving technology that Paul Pantone developed to dramatically increase fuel efficiency in automobile engines, generators and other devices. Paul Pantone developed this technology to help save America and help save the world. Why then is he put in a mental hospital...Read the story.

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    DVD's, movies & books to inspire soulutions:

    Waking up your reality books:

  • John Perkins ~ Confessions of an economic hitman and The secret of an American empire. www.johnperkins.org
  • Jesus and the Goddess ~ T. Freke & P. Gandy
  • Willem Middelkoop ~ Als de dollar valt. Wat bankiers en politici u niet vertellen over geld en de kredietcrisis.
  • Marcel Messing ~ Worden wij wakker www.wijwordenwakker.org
  • Movies of the month:
    ~ Earth ~ about the present state of the animal kingdom and nature on the poles.
    ~ Her name is Sabine ~ How medicine made a person schizophrenic.

    Healthy visionaries and wake-up callers listen to:
    ~ Ron Pauls' speeches, a sound Republican (!) running for President of the U.S.A. Freedom is popular
    ~ Naomi Wolfs' speech The end of America

    ~ Whitefeather ~ A vision of hope Link 1: (zonder commentaar)
    Link 2: (met commentaar)
    ~ Time of the sixth sun; when the eagle flies with the condor
    Much more see Inspirations  page.

    and the Venus*TV programlist.

    (News January 2007) Footage of the season:
    Prof. Muhammed Yunus is a visionary, an economist and successful businessman and since 0ct. 06, together with the Grameen Bank, Nobel Peace Price winner 2006.
    He is often referred to as "the world's banker to the poor". Contrary to common belief he has proven that the poor are credit-worthy. He says "Poverty is not created by the poor.
    Poverty is caused by the system we built, policies we persued. If we can build a system that creates poverty, we can build a system that eradicates poverty".
    Millions of people worldwide have been helped by his and his group invention of the micro-credits to start their own business and have been able to lift themselves out of poverty. It's about independence and empowerment, and creating a new future together.

    Footage on his lecture in Amsterdam 2005 can be ordered.

    to his website

    We are delighted that a wonderful human being & visionary like Prof. Yunus received this price!
    Congratulations to him and all the people that are part of their own Grameen Bank, a bank that does everything that normal banks don't do.

    Small money ~ big changes. You can also make a difference see: Kiva website

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    Rainbow Circle Events:

    Kiva-evenings every Tuesday in Amsterdam Centre near Noorderkerk.

  • 1st: The best of Venus TV programs; entrancefee: €10. More info see: Venus*TV programlist
  • 2nd: Sound(healing)meditations; entrancefee: €15. More info see: Healing Vibrations
  • 3rd: Medicinewheel (gratitude & prayer meditation circle) entrancefee: €35.
    More info see: The Medicinewheel and Levens/Medicijnwiel

  • Exclusively by making reservations: 020-6814858 or e-mail raven@whole-earth.tv or whole-earth.tv@xs4all.nl

    Other trainings, healings in shamanism, medicinewheel or singing bowls will be held either in the Rainbow Atelier or by invitation.

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    'The long, slow
    Heavy ages
    Of man's inhumanity
    To man,
    Are ending
    As heart-mind union
    Sealed by Soul fusion
    Is externalized..'

    Ralph Metzner
    Maps of consciousness


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