Openingsceremony of Patchwork's Peace Buddha Project
in the Vondelpark Amsterdam 1994
with the 5 elements in sound
by Deborah Chömpff/Raven Dreamdancer.
Playing the element Fire with gong and rattle,
Earth with the drum,
Water with the rainstick, Air with the flute and
Ether with the Singing Bowls.
Klank is een van de oudste middelen die sjamanen gebruikten voor het herstellen van harmonie in de mens of in de clan. Sjamanen zijn bemiddelaars tussen de onderwereld, middenwereld en bovenwereld. Het verschil tusssen een sjamaan en een healer is dat de sjamaan zijn schaduw en dood heeft geconfronteerd en daardoor in de diverse werelden kan reizen om verloren zielen terug
te halen.
De trommel is het bekendste instrument van de sjamaan om in de verschillende werelden te kunnen reizen. De klankschaal werd het meest gebruikt in Nepal, Tibet, Korea, Japan, en China.
Klanken bestaan uit verschillende trillingsgetallen, die weergegeven worden door licht en kleur.
Alle materie ook de mens bestaat uit klank, kleur en lichttrilling.
De Alphagolven van de klankschalen werken in op de hersenen via de zenuwcellen (neuronen) waardoor ontspanning ontstaat en je bewustzijn wordt verruimd. Wellicht doordat de trilling gebieden van de rechterhersenhelft aanraakt die we nog niet hadden geexploreerd. De sjamanen noemen dit de nagual, het gebied van het onbekende waar onbeperkte mogelijkheden liggen, het ongeexploreerde, het creatieve. In het dagelijks leven werken we grotendeels met onze tonal, de linker hersenhelft, het rationele, lineaire deel.
De klankschaal kan een instrument tot heelwording van rechter- en linkerhersenhelften en daarmee uw creativiteit vergroten. De vibraties van de schaal en kristallen kunnen geblokkeerde energie in de zenuwcellen lostrillen waardoor we ons klank-lich(t)aam kunnen ervaren. Bewust onze blokkades onder ogen zien, pijnen accepteren, begrijpen, loslaten en vergeving zijn belangrijke aspecten in het heelwordingsproces. Wij werken met grondingsoefeningen, visualisatie, kristallen, klankschalen en het voelen en luisteren naar de Stilte in en buiten ons.
Aanbod: Klank healing sessies, workshops, seminars, concerten, geboortes, huwelijks- en overgangsrituelen (stervensbegeleiding) en klank healing trainingen met de oer-moeder van deze stijl van werken en healen met klankschalen sinds 1983 Debora Chömpff ook bekend onder Raven Dreamdancer.
Meer informatie zie de pagina Ravens' Flight.
~ The Healing Power of Sound & Nature ~
A Dreamtime Experience
The forces of nature have a healing effect on our whole being. Walking in natural surroundings always
uplifts and relaxes us.
The elements earth, water, fire and air are the most essential energies in our life.
The element water is connected with our feelings and emotions, air with our thinking, earth with how we materialise and manifest our visions and dreams, and fire is our life energy and enthousiasm.
~ Sound and colour vibrate. ~
Every sound or colour has a certain frequency, which in turn has an effect on our physical well-being.
The sounds of the singing bowls, the rainstick, the gong and the flute correspond to the moods of the elements.
Filmed over four seasons in the Alpine regions, this dvd presents carefully selected images of these elements.
The combination of sacred shamanic sounds and peaceful imagery turns your television into a powerful healing deviceto help relax your body and mind.
You can order this 35 minutes beautiful scenery of the elements empowered by sound for  €20 (excl. postage)
call: 020-6814858 or by
Here an exempt of a 3 minute Mountain Meditation of the DVD by Raven Dreamdancer.
Debora Chömpff a.k.a. Raven Dreamdancer was born in 1953 in Indonesia from parents of different cultures.
At the age of 8 the family fled to Holland. Her working experience as a secretary (for the board of management of banks) and assistant and organizer for television and record company intensified her search for inner freedom.
In '75 she had her first art exposition and was awarded as promising young talent. She withdrew and concentrated on writing poetry and prose instead.
She studied the Healing Arts intensively since '78 especialy on colour, sound, vibrations, rhythm, dances of the different cultures, sacred stones and was educated in Art Therapy. During a dervish performance in 1980 she had a Kundalini experience and fortunately received guidance from experts in this field.
She received teachings and inititations from medicine people and shamans from different cultures. In 1983 she became assistant, manager and organizer to a.o. Margit Bohdalek (Raven Woman), 
Joska Soos (sound shaman) and later for
Marie-Lu Lörler (Die Hueter des alten Wissens; Der erleuchtete Alltag), Hyemeyohsts Storm and many others.
After attuning and aligning herself (1984) with her own soul-purpose and her own techniques, she was asked to share her insights and gave concerts, meditations, healings and trainings on e.g. sound-awareness and the Medicine Wheel of the Maya's and our Natural Laws.
In 1986 she received her shaman-initiation through a near-death-experience.
Her shaman name Raven was given by Hyemeyohsts Storm; Joska Soos and Denise Whitefeather Linn a.o. called her a soundmaster/shaman. After years of giving performances and workshops on sound, healing and shamanism in the Netherlands she started her own shamanic and spiritual art centre the Rainbow Atelier in Amsterdam with Caroline van Noord in 1988.
Together with her soul-sister Anke van Ziel, they founded Venus TV in 1996 and interviewed and broadcasted many spiritual leaders, shamans, medicine people, artists, scientists, economists, theologians etc. These meetings with remarkable human beings were a source of exchange and inspiration. Also in depth Sufi and Bon/Dzogchen retreats have greatly contributed to her inspirations, knowledge and awareness.
Title concerts and performances: Alles is klank/Nadabrahma, Synesthesia, Spiraliserende sferen, Klank en kleuren van de Himalaya (i.s.m. Agni Yoga Inst. 1984-2001), Voel de tinten van Stilte, Dichter..bij het Licht, In-Dios, Healing Sounds of the Himalaya, Healing with sound, colour and nature, Sounds of Silence, Healing Power of Sound & Nature..
Diverse Grace project and meditations of the Rainbowdancers Studio in cooperation with Sirius Childfund
Also shamanic Rainbow Circle Dance trainings in groups and in private.
De verschillende klankvibraties van sjamanistische instrumenten zoals de zingende schalen, gong, percussie, ratels, didgeridoo, fluit en rainstick aktiveren energiestromen in ons lichaam. Klank-healing en massage harmoniseren de chakra's, de organen en het zenuwstelsel en werken positief in op het meridiaanstelsel. De ontspannende werking ruimt oude blokkades op en kan een helende uitwerking hebben.
Een uitnodiging voor een innerlijke reis vol inspiratie en nieuwe mogelijkheden.
Uitsluitend op reservering 020-6814858 of e-mail
The intent of this concert is to enter & experience the world of Silence. Silence is the harmony,
“Zusammengesang” of all sounds.
These days we barely recognize her voice. For that we need to enter the Void, the world of
emptiness.. in the deserts of the earth.. or at lonely mountaintops.. In the night when stars play
together.. and if we're happy we finally find her in our own body.. One who has learned to listen to her
experiences the limitlessness of space and time, where sounds never die, but expand forever in ever
greater circles, circles of sound....
Klang, wie wir ihn verstehen ist nicht nur ein wahrnehmbares Element. Hinter der hörbaren Vibration
findet man eine spirituelle Essenz, den Geist/Spirit des Klanges. In der Stille ist die Kraft und die
Möglichkeit uns wieder zu verbinden mit der Energie der Seele. Die singenden Schalen bestehen aus
7 Metallen, durch welche die verschiedenen Vibrationen eine säubernde und heilende Wirkung
bekommen, denen man im Körper gewahr werden kann.
An example of a concert held abroad in Germany Muenchen at the Dance-Spirit Studio.
Itzhak Bentov ~ Stalking the wild pendulum (on the mechanics of consciousness '77)
Joachim-Ernst Berendt ~ Nada Brahma - The world is sound
Hans Jenny ~ Cymatics
Harish Johari ~ Leela; Chacra workbook
Joska Soos (soundshaman) ~ Ik genees niet, ik herstel de harmonie
Debora Chömpff ~ Compilation & Workbook on Sound, colour and healing ('85)
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche ~ Healing with form, energy & light (Bon)
Masaru Emoto ~ Messages from water
Charlie Ryrie ~ The healing energies of water
Sounds of Healing ~ Mitchell L. Gaynor
Spalding ~ Masters of the Far East
Magazine Parabola
and many other books & magazines from diverse traditions (also Maya, Hopi, Cherokee, Lakota...called the starpeople)
Energy Medicine in their diverse names and structures:
Tai Chi; Chi Kung; Reiki; Universal energy; Jin Shin Jyutsu, Pranic healing; Ho'oponopono; Huna, Qaballah; Agni Yoga; Zen; Tao Te Ching; Quantum Touch; Shamanic Assamblagepoint; Medicinewheel...
In 1967 Hans Jenny (1904-1972), a physician and natural scientist, made visible that soundvibrations make patterns and named this cymatics.
See this beautiful video with the title Bringing matter to life with sound.