~ Highlights on Spiritual Art exhibitions, performances, concerts & business ~
Since 1978 I followed several meditation and spiritual awareness schools and lifestyle movements (Kushi Inst., Agni Yoga, SOPPh). Somewhere in 1979/80 my life took a turn when
I had a Kundalini experience while being in the audience of a Dervish concert. From then on I had remarkable meetings
with healers, spiritual masters (Chi Kung, Esseen & Sufi masters), medicine people and shamans to this day.
Apart from my carreer as secretary of the board of management I started to become an organisor and assistant to spiritual leaders and shamans.
Founded the Werkgroep De Cirkel (1983) through which we studied, organised workshops and invited healers and shamans.
A retreat followed by a Vision Quest in 1983 showed my future path and even more guidance appeared.
That same year the singing bowls chose me as their instrument and taught me even more about sound, colour and their vibrations.
In 1985 I dared to go into the public, the restart of my Spiritual Path by Art through exhibitions (paintings), performances, concerts, workshops etc. with the singing bowls.
As the first woman in W. Europe playing the singing bowls in a feminine way, the Shakti way.
Later that year (september 1985) the gong chose me as their next instrument apart from the bowls, in years more and more instruments joined in.
They initiated me into their vibrations of the 5 Elements.
Apart from assisting and organising shamans, I later became an advisor to journalist and colomnists on shamanism. Worked on many projects
e.g. for the book of Felicitas Goodman on Shamanic postures.
Denise Whitefeather Lynn initiated me as a Vision Quest Leader, from Hyemeyohsts Storm I received my shaman name "Raven".
I met my Soulsister Anke van Ziel in 1994. In 1996 Anke founded the spiritual television program under VENUS TV, I joined her in this
project and became partners in work and life.
In 1999/2000 we jump into a new adventure to bring more spirituality into business to make a start in the new spiritual economy.
Nowadays we explore the solutions of new energy, making this into reality and are still coaching and advising in spirituality, soul alignment and the Rainbow Spiritual Warrior Circle.
~ Private Sound sessions with the singing bowls, workshops and concerts to therapists (e.g. Pathwork) and reiki masters;
~ Hosted my first 24 hours Equinox Ceremony assisted by members of the Werkgroep De cirkel
~ Workshops, concerts & guided the meditation of Aziza in the First Sufi Order Music-Camp France;
~ Poetry International Rotterdam: accompanied poet Shelly Elkayam with my singing bowls.
~ Slide & Sound (singing bowls) performances on Agni Yoga & Roerich's paintings;
~ Workshop Healing through colour, form & sound (a.o. drawing workshops with right/left brainside together with Sa'ar Efroni)
~ Played with the singing bowls and colour lamp accompanied by Sa'ar Efroni on the opening of the Studio of Roelien de Lange in Amsterdam
~ The Death Experience: my initiation as a shaman and the passing of my soulmate Saár Efroni to the other dimension and who became one of my guides since.
~ Shamanic Workshops on the 5 Elements (Shamanism, Chi Kung, Sound & Sense etc) with Feico Hajonides (founder of Natuurgeneeskunde Scholen)
~ Training from ZEV in Kabbalistic drumming; Concert with ZEV (Stefan Yael Weisser) in Amsterdam
~ ASSA Project with a.o. ZEV, Doro Frank, Louwrien Wijers); the ASSA-project (Art Science & Spiritual Awareness Academy) became the inspiration for the Spirit of Peace Project;
~ Workshops and opening concerts for Open Ateliers, Spiritual Centers like Kosmos, Zenith,
~ Noorderlicht Festival Groningen with the Spiraliserende Sferen performance (the path of the Soul to Ego) in cooperation with Meta and Caroline van Noord.
The 5 elements in Sound in cooperation with Caroline van Noord and Frank Huymans.
The first performance with instruments from the different cultures done from the respective four directions of the Medicine Wheel. Started by the sound of the gong introducing the birth of the Soul into the body,
followed by the heartbeat with the drum and didgeridoo (Earth). The vibrations of Water (the flowing of the river, stillness of the pond and the roaring of waterfalls and oceans) by rainsticks and other watery instruments.
Air by flute, feathers and overtone singing ending into the sounds of Ether & the Void through the singing bowls (from Japanese to Tibetan bowls).
~ Sounds and colours of the Himalaya in cooperation with Agni Yoga in spiritual centre the Kosmos Amsterdam. The sound of the singing bowls on the paintings of Nicholas Roerich and supported by texts of Agni Yoga.
~ Song of the Earth concert in cooperation with Josephine Truman didgeridoo.
~ Founding of the Rainbow Atelier/Studio in Amsterdam with Caroline van Noord. A workplace to explore and study spirituality in the diferent cultures, art, shamanism, astrology, dance, massages,
movements, yoga's, therapies, spiritual coaching, shamanic transformation workshops, summerschools on spirituality & shamanism, Sacred Journeys, projects, Equinoxe Rituals, etc.
~ TU Delft op het Sporenproject "Black & White and 7 Colours of the Rainbow" a Total Workshop/Performance project to 144 Art Students of the Benelux;
~ Sound Projects with a.o. Diem Groeneveld (Singing bowls, gong & overtone singing); Klankvelden Project
~ Co-organised the workshop tour of Marie-Lu Lörler in the Netherlands with Birgitte Panhans.
Apart from concerts, workshops and performances we did the Bijlmer Art Project "The Rainbow Wave" with artists Dijnie de Rijke, Maddy Tolud, Anne, Caroline van Noord and Frank Huymans;
Openingsconcert & exhibition New Age Shop Himalaya Amsterdam with Caroline van Noord (covers of Dutch Lynn Andrews books) and me with the Shields;
~ Workshops in Sound & Shamanism in Spiritual Centre Tara Rotterdam
~ Synesthesia Performance in cooperation with Marga Adama, Fridi Martina, Caroline van Noord and other artists.
~ Journey to Malta assisting Veronica Veen with her search of the Goddess Inana.
~ End cooperation with Caroline van Noord.
~ Lecture & teachings on Shamanism 4 afternoons Montessori School Amsterdam
~ Participated in the Rainbow Ceremony & Inititation by Sun Bear
~ Healing Concerts, workshops & performances tours through Holland with Arienne Klijn a.o. Stiltepunt Den Haag
~ Start of the yearly Rainbow Shamanic Summerschool in Amsterdam
~ Workshops in Sound & Shamanism from then on yearly to the W.I.G. institute (Werkgroep Integrale Geneeswijzen) founded by a.o. Arienne Klijn;
~ Spiritual Journeys to the Celt Country and "Turtle Island" visit to Sedona and the Rainbow Ceremony
~ Uitmarkt: Performance "Shamanic Sounds" (Uitbotten) with Stoffelien Verdonk
~ Workshops & summer schools in Rainbow Atelier; Participated in WIG;
~ Workshops, concerts & exhibitions a.o. in Libraries & Spiritual Centres in Holland and abroad alone and with own group (Rainbow Song)
The Rainbow Song consisted of Arienne Klijn, Geert Weggen, later Monique Rietveld, Sander Wick, Gert-Jan de Ruiter a.o.
1993: Workshops, concerts & exhibitions in Holland and abroad a.o. Open Ateliers Z.O. Amsterdam, Kwakoe Festival; W.I.G.
~ New Spiritual Economy; assistance in Essence & Source Trainings; Shamanic Transformation Weekends; Diverse Healing Sound Tours
~ Participated in several TV programs on shamanism a.o. NCRV 4-luik about Shamanism in the Netherlands.
~ Opening Peace Buddha Project in Vondelpark Amsterdam for the Patchwork Group.
~ The usual soundconcerts with Rainbow Song on Onkruidbeurs, Feest van het Licht Utrecht, Art on street Rotterdam, Open Ateliers Amsterdam..
~ Shamanic workshops all over Holland a.o. De Groene Slang Castricum.
~ Soul alignment, healing & coaching projects
1996 Initiated as Vision Quest Leader for Denise Lynn at Vancouver Island.
1996-2001: Venus TV (spiritual TV on Salto A2) with founder Anke van Ziel
1997 Venus TV in searh for MU in Indonesia Bali and visit to the Borobudur
1997-1999: Venus TV Events a.o. Hyemeyohsts Storm, Dave Rensman, Dusty Miller...
1998 Organised with the Rainbow Studio Team the Earth Teaching Event of Hyemeyohsts Storm. Received my shaman name "Raven" from him.
1999 Venus TV and the Wales experience
New spiritual economy project to create balance in Health, Wellness & spiritual business. We started parttime but our team became so succesful and
in 2001 created our company Sun & Earth Creations.
~ Sound Concert & workshop with the Singing bowls in Theosophical Centre Naarden (De Nieuwe Mens) "Voel de tinten van Stilte"
~ Journey to the Mississipi (New Orleans) with Venus TV
~ Coaching & training programs Spiritual Leadership and Spiritual Economy
~ Video/dvd project "Healing Power of Sound & Nature";
~ New Spiritual Economy Projects: Sun & Earth Creations, Empowerment & Enterpreneurial seminars (Sirius Childfund), Nikken Health & Wellness conferences & seminars;
co-organised Lead the Field seminar Amsterdam and conference calls with Bob Proctor (The Secret, What the bleep..).
~ New Spiritual Economy Business presentations & trainings, Empowerment trainings & seminars "Quicksilver", "Passion & Vision", "Wave~5", "Wheel of Wholeness" an opportunity for Life by the New Business DreamTeam..
~ Presentations and leadership programs Paris, Berlin, Bonn, London, Brussels, Tenerif, Maui, Los Angelos and Japan.
Dancing the dream.
~ 2007-2010: Projects:Whole Earth TV; Brokers for a balanced world (Uitvinders koppelen aan investeerders; duurzame ecologische projecten, bewustzijn trainingen e.d.)
~ 2010-2014: Independent trainers & coaches in Soul alignment and Ascension
For healings, concerts or workshops you can contact Raven at:
**31(0)20 6814858 Amsterdam ~ Netherlands
To new website Raven Dreamdancer
"Raven vloog uit om het licht voor de mensheid te stelen en verbrandde haar veren en sindsdien zijn haar veren zwart."